Rumors about "Server Wipe"
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Author:  kil [ 10 Jun 2020, 03:36 ]
Post subject:  Rumors about "Server Wipe"

Hello Admins,

I have been hearing rumors about a server wipe out. I am not sure what it means, but people say it means, we all go back to 0. Items, gold, and NPs will disappear. I also heard that some GM's have voted to do this.

I am pretty sure this is good news to new players. But as for me who has been farming really hard to get the items, NPs, and gold that I got, it's not good news at all. This covid19 pandemic has given me an opportunity to farm as much as I can, but I don't want this pandemic to get worse, and I don't want another pandemic just so I can farm again. When the pandemic is gone, all I can do is log in, and join events, and do some PK. I won't be able to farm anymore because I will be farming in real life (my job).

When is this happening? Please let me know before it happens.

Please let me know, so I will know what to do.

Author:  Chucky [ 11 Jun 2020, 09:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rumors about "Server Wipe"

Hello teacher
Who told you this is lying to you and I want to tell you or the players that the server will not wipe again but maybe in the future

Author:  GM_Aggressive [ 11 Jun 2020, 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rumors about "Server Wipe"

rumors are just that bro, rumors.

I can assure you that Flegy and MAXKO staff have no intention to wipe the server (again).

A wise man once said:

A fresh start could be good in many ways, but this would be only temporary. So there's no point on wipe the server.

Good friend, best GM, pro player... cheaters reporter :)

Author:  kil [ 11 Jun 2020, 10:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rumors about "Server Wipe"


I am really happy for your replies! <3

Thank you SO MUCH!!

Author:  Chucky [ 11 Jun 2020, 11:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rumors about "Server Wipe"

No thanks for the duty at any time you can ask questions and we are there to answer everyone

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