Scarecrows UPGRADE (for practicing combo)
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Author:  kiII [ 21 Apr 2021, 14:19 ]
Post subject:  Scarecrows UPGRADE (for practicing combo)


I have been practicing my combos on scarecrows most of the time. I noticed that it does not really help much. Can we upgrade it like this?

Make them (Impenetrable)

a. I hope scarecrows will be impenetrable. Make it impossible to pass through them like when we are targeting enemies or attacking bifrost gate while pressing W. This way, players can practice on W and S combos without passing through the scarecrows making it more realistic.

b. Their HP and def can stay the same. But make the 1st row of scarecrows for humans, and the next row for orcs.

c. Stationary scarecrows will drop 2x of the souls instead of 1.

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