Vote For New FM
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Author:  Overdosing [ 10 May 2015, 11:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote For New FM

ur on ur 2nd account, hi manhattan, I don't mind you as a player but your attitude to the community is toxic asf

Author:  Selfie [ 10 May 2015, 11:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote For New FM

I fight stupidity with harsh words to prevent it from happening again. "Toxic" is a term that weak people use to describe others are getting offended with the truth.

Author:  iDurnKenMasteR [ 10 May 2015, 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote For New FM

In My Way i thing this vote is unfear, i give of some Resan's Mostly follow..
1.A player Can Vote By take 24 hours creating email account and can made him self Won.
2.that the all vote or donaters only vote is not a good idea.
3.mostly in server the Admin saw the expriance of a player who will good for this job, With out expriance No one selected in job..Its mean he is not perfect for this.

My Solution of this New FM vote Made Only Titan Maxko staffmembers, they will decide and vote the nomination peoples, and won the best one is the great idea i thing .....So please Don't made it shit..Image

Author:  Penny_Lane [ 10 May 2015, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote For New FM

Selfie wrote:
I fight stupidity with harsh words to prevent it from happening again. "Toxic" is a term that weak people use to describe others are getting offended with the truth.

Thats not Manhatten is it??? :?

anyway...if you read through this topic:

and if you consider that a part of staff also liked that idea.

I wouldnt blame Barbiie for trying this!

Maybe she was smart enough to let things happen...cause she knew it might go this way ;) :mrgreen:

I would rather blame the folks that just cant stay fair competition.
Cheating in game and even in forum... :shock:

Author:  SsS [ 10 May 2015, 13:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote For New FM

Yall crack me up! This is a very little thing to be making such a BIG deal about. Why should you really give a flying fart who is FM or not?
Will it enhance your life in some way, cause you to rethink your existance, put food on your table, pay your bills? Give you a hard-on? Have you NO life away from the screen of your computer?

This is just a silly internet game for god's sake! my god ppl!!!! I can understand this being unsettling for children, but some of you have children of your own and you are making a big deal about this nonsense? I truely feel sorry for you.

Author:  Barbiie [ 10 May 2015, 14:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Vote For New FM

This is the reason why we always have vote in the staffsection.

You can't put up an public vote in a fair way, without it turns up
like the king selection.
Some of you makes fake accounts, other use a glitch we have in the
votesystem to get more votes.

We always knew that you couldn't handle this, which you have apparently proved
in this topic. But we needed to take this act to also show you guys that
this doesn't works out.

So I hope you guys got the point, and from now on let the staff handle
who we should add or not.

See this topic as a reminder.

And since we had a nomination, we will choose one from that list.
I will notify the new fm later this evening.


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